PYRO CONTROLE是知名的工业温度传感器的制造商,总部位于法国,集中了研发设计、商务、管理等部门,并为“工业温度传感器”的生产基地。PYRO CONTROLE拥有丰富的温度传感器的制造经验,是全球少数几家能设计、制造核能应用领域的安全级温度传感器。1997年,法国CA(Chauvin Arnoux)集团并购了PYRO CONTROLE公司,CA(Chauvin Arnoux)集团是欧洲著名的测试、测量仪器仪表制造商。PYRO CONTROLE产品广泛应用到石化、玻璃、冶金、核电、塑料、农业、食品、制药等工业领域。
For more than 65 years, Pyrocontrole has been developing highly technical products for advanced industrial sectors such as the Nuclear industry, Chemicals, Petrochemicals, manufacturers of construction materials (glass, cement, etc.) and Metallurgy. The vast majority of its activity involves drafting precise specifications, qualifying sensors and manufacturing probes for very high temperature (up to 1,800 °C).
Pyrocontrole also proposes control equipment such as temperature controllers, electrical power controllers, paperless recorders and Human-Machine Interfaces with associated I/O Modules.
Its expertise is acknowledged in France and has been exported internationally since the Chauvin Arnoux Group's acquisition of the company in 1997. Pyrocontrole's head office, now located in Meyzieu on the outskirts of Lyon (France), also houses the R&D infrastructure and the sales and marketing teams.
"Pyrocontrole service" is now provided by an accessible, dynamic and professional team capable of finding suitable solutions to deal with any temperature measurement needs. They are backed by a high-performance Quality organization involved at every level, particularly in the very demanding Nuclear sector, and technical resources such as the COFRAC laboratory to guarantee the performance of the products delivered.
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